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6 common sources of driver distraction

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2025 | Motor vehicle accidents |

In today’s fast-paced world, multitasking has become a common practice. However, when drivers try to multitask behind the wheel, they could endanger not only their own lives but also the lives of others.

What often distracts drivers behind the wheel?

Anything that takes a driver’s hands, eyes or attention away from the task of driving could be a dangerous distraction. This means that many different things have the potential to distract a driver, including:

  • Mobile phones: The use of mobile phones is one of the top distractions for drivers. Whether it is texting, checking emails or browsing social media, engaging with a phone takes the driver’s hands off the wheel, eyes off the road, and mind off driving.
  • Eating and drinking: Many drivers try to save time by eating meals or drinking beverages while driving. This not only occupies one hand, but it also shifts focus away from driving tasks, especially if spills or drops occur.
  • In-car technologies: Navigation systems and in-car displays can be incredibly helpful, but they can also be distracting. Inputting directions or adjusting settings while the vehicle is moving can significantly divert a driver’s attention.
  • Passengers: Conversations with passengers can lead to drivers not paying attention to the road. This is particularly risky when intense or emotional discussions take place.
  • Scenery: Billboards, scenic views, or even people on the roadside can catch a driver’s attention.
  • Daydreaming: Daydreaming is less visible from the outside, but letting attention wander can be just as dangerous as any other distraction.

Unfortunately, these distractions are a common risk for American drivers. One 2024 survey found that more than half of drivers admitted to eating and drinking, adjusting a navigation system or talking on the phone behind the wheel.

These distractions can have devastating results for drivers. Car accidents involving distracted drivers claim thousands of lives every year. Many more experience injuries in these collisions.

Distracted driving is a common issue. It is important for drivers to recognize the danger it can cause. By avoiding common distractions and understanding your rights if a distracted driver harms you, you can protect your health and reduce the risks you face on the road.
